Summer 3TP Teasers!

So Hot Right Now! - Teaser from 3TrioProductions on Vimeo.

This season, the 3TP family brings you a friendly movie featuring some montrealers. We traveled around the Quebec province to bring you our adventures. Featuring: Andrew Jamieson, Alex Crépault, Graham Cunningham, JC Laniel, Cédrik Dion, Nuka Choquette, Érik Pelletier, LP Beaudoin, Tom Aubry, Laurent Papineau, Vincent Charette, Dom Racine, Gab Ouellet, Frank Pelletier, Brian St-Amour

I found this on google!

Crazy things may happen when you google yourself. This little treasure is an interview from February by a college student named Jackie. A huge honkin' shout out goes to her. Thank you! Click on this post title to see the whole article and video interview.