Here are some more photos of the Jungle Jib. We can't wait to start the holiday week. Night skiing every night this week, and Timberline is open for the season. All sorts of holiday
We did it! We finally have a park up. There were some bumps along the way, but we were otherwise successful. The set up is not the original plan; a pump broke while snowmakers were in the Jungle Jib, hence there was not nearly enough snow for what we intended. Nonetheless, we came up with some quick ideas, and worked through the night to have her ready for the weekend. A special thanks goes to our Mountain Manager Harold; we would be lost without his fine tuned shaping skills. Here are some pictures of our set up, unfortunately the light is flat, but I think you get the idea. As Head Park Ranger Wilkins would say “Ya dig?!” We do.
While we are waiting to start on our parks, I thought I'd give everyone a heads up about how we will be operating this year. Instead of parks opening as lifts open, the park crew will be opening the parks after they are checked and maintained. This is becoming an industry standard, and is a way to ensure the safety of our riders. We know how much you jones for fresh hits in the morning, so we promise to work hard and fast.
We are hosting Vermont's first ski and snowboard rail jam of the season.
Bolton Valley will host the first ski and snowboard rail jam of the season on Friday, September 3rd. The tennis courts next to the Sports Center will be covered with "snow" collected from a local hockey rink, rails will be set up and skiers and riders will be turned loose for about an hour to jam. We'll have some prizes for the best skiers and riders at the end of the jam and some extra prizes to toss to all competitors.
Sponsors Include:
BurtonOnline registration is open and is $10.
Schedule: (all events at bottom tennis court near the Sports Center)
5:00 – 5:45pm Registration/Bib distribution (based on space available)
6:00-7:00pm Rail Jam
7:00pm Awards
So Hot Right Now! - Teaser from 3TrioProductions on Vimeo.
This season, the 3TP family brings you a friendly movie featuring some montrealers. We traveled around the Quebec province to bring you our adventures. Featuring: Andrew Jamieson, Alex Crépault, Graham Cunningham, JC Laniel, Cédrik Dion, Nuka Choquette, Érik Pelletier, LP Beaudoin, Tom Aubry, Laurent Papineau, Vincent Charette, Dom Racine, Gab Ouellet, Frank Pelletier, Brian St-AmourSchedule:
10am - Noon Registration in the base lodge
1pm - The skimming will begin
3pm (or shortly after the skimming is competed) - Awards